NYBC Academy

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Thursday, November 21, 2013

MONDAY NOVEMBER 18 2013 | 7:00 - 8:30 PM | THE GREAT HALL
by Madeline Tanamal

Our team attended the Buckminster Fuller Challenge Award Ceremony on November 18, 2013 and thought that it was a groundbreaking event,  so we want to raise awareness of it by showcasing the groundbreaking technologies and efforts of the Buckminster Fuller Institute.
The Buckminster Fuller Institute is an institute that was founded by an engineer and futurist Buckminster ‘Bucky’ Fuller. Bucky’s vision of having a sustainable ecosystem is inherited down to his daughter, Allegra who is now lead the institute. In relation to this vision, the institute is organizing ‘Buckminster Fuller Challenge’, a yearly international design competition that awards $100,000 to the winner so that it can be used to research on and develop eco-friendly systems or products. The challenge is supported by similar-minded companies like Interface Inc. and Halloran Philanthropies.
That way, this is an inspiring event with the underlying story of a small group of people who wants to change the world into a greener, sustainable place. Take for instance the runner-up, Echale a tu Casa which developed a green building code in Mexico. And also the honorable mentions, The Green Chemistry Commitment who integrate green chemistry into the university chemistry department and Public Laboratory for Open Science and Technology who aim to liberate science and technology studies. The receiver of the award is Ecovative, who researches and develops fungi that can be made into bio-degradable Styrofoam and sponges. The founders are hopeful that Ecovative will dominate the world like plastic did so that the earth will not be full of landfills.

The event ended at around 9:30pm with a promising outlook of the future and anticipation of the upcoming design challenge next year. It is truly a competition that encourages people to care for planet earth. At NYBC, we also believe in a sustainable green ecosystem. As such, we truly supports events like this and look forward to consult green businesses.

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